Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Growing demand for OOH monitoring system- Sanjeev Gupta

Are you looking for weather-proof sites?
Thinking about the monitoring report for OOH?

We have been discussing the need of reporting system for a long time now. Recently, OOH agency - Milestone Brandcomm had launched monitoring tool for marketers and soon this will be available for other players in case it is successful. Secondly, advertisers are also looking for rain proof flexes and sites. With increasing expectations from outdoor advertising: its time for us to be ready with smart solutions such as digital billboard, flex with improved flex material and strong based site to bear the brunt of extreme weather conditions. Our collaborative efforts can make a big difference in restoring faith in the medium.

For the record, Global has spearheaded the revolution in outdoor media – arresting consumers’ attention as well as driving home the message effectively. Mobile vans, taxi, bus shelter, Z-boxes, street furniture, fleet graphics, digital displays at mails and multiplexes, ferries, amusement parks, airplanes, swimming pools and rest rooms have been creatively exploited by Global to communicate with consumers on the go. That explains why Global has been the leading outdoor media partner for all major sectors over the last 18 years. 

Call Now Mr. Amit Gupta - 9820 797 773 Or Email -amit@globaladvertisers.in

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